20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid -

REF #: BP-SBP00967
Short description

20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid

Discover the exceptional quality of 20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid, a premium Triterpene compound with a purity range of 95% to 99%. This powder-form chemical, bearing the CAS number 93372-87-3, offers a molecular weight of 472.71g/mol, providing a reliable and consistent foundation for your research and development needs. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this versatile compound showcases a clear color and form, ensuring seamless integration into your laboratory workflows. Unlock the potential of this remarkable Triterpenoid and Impurity, and elevate your scientific endeavors to new heights.

  • CAS: 93372-87-3
  • Purity: 95%~99%
  • Molecular Formula: C30H48O4
  • Molecular Weight: 472.71
  • Color and Form: Powder
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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid

Unlock the captivating world of 20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid, a remarkable Triterpene compound that holds immense potential for scientific exploration and discovery. This meticulously crafted chemical, identified by the CAS number 93372-87-3, is a testament to the ingenuity of modern chemistry.

At the heart of this compound lies a complex and intriguing molecular structure, featuring a unique combination of a 3-oxolupane core and a 20-hydroxy group. This distinctive arrangement endows 20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid with a diverse array of applications, making it a valuable asset in the realms of research and development.

Unraveling the Potential

The versatility of 20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid lies in its ability to serve as a versatile building block for a wide range of scientific endeavors. Its potential applications span across multiple disciplines, from pharmaceutical research to material science, each offering exciting opportunities for innovation and advancement.

In the pharmaceutical realm, this Triterpene compound has garnered significant attention for its possible role in the development of novel therapeutic agents. Researchers are exploring its unique chemical structure to unlock new pathways for the treatment of various health conditions, leveraging its inherent biological activity and potential pharmacological properties.

Beyond the pharmaceutical landscape, 20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid also finds application in the field of material science. Its distinct molecular architecture can be harnessed to engineer advanced materials with enhanced performance characteristics, such as improved thermal stability, mechanical strength, or optical properties. This versatility opens up new avenues for material scientists to push the boundaries of innovation.

Purity and Precision

Ensuring the highest standards of quality, this 20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid product boasts a purity range of 95% to 99%, as indicated by its chemical information. This level of purity is crucial for researchers and scientists, as it guarantees reliable and consistent results in their experiments and analyses.

The compound's chemical formula, C30H48O4, and a molecular weight of 472.71 g/mol, provide a clear and concise identification of its molecular composition. Additionally, the product's physical form as a powder further enhances its versatility, allowing for seamless integration into a wide range of research protocols and applications.

Responsible Handling and Storage

While the specific hazard information for 20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid is not readily available, it is essential to exercise caution when handling this compound. As with any scientific material, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and safe handling procedures should be followed to ensure the well-being of researchers and laboratory personnel.

For optimal storage and preservation of the compound's integrity, it is recommended to keep 20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated environment. Adhering to these storage guidelines will help maintain the compound's purity and stability over the long term, enabling researchers to consistently rely on its high-quality performance.

Unlocking the Possibilities

The captivating world of 20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid holds immense promise for scientific exploration and discovery. As researchers delve deeper into its unique properties and potential applications, the doors to groundbreaking advancements in fields such as pharmaceuticals, material science, and beyond, continue to open.

Embrace the opportunity to unlock the full potential of this remarkable Triterpene compound and embark on a journey of innovation. With its exceptional purity, distinct chemical characteristics, and versatile applications, 20-Hydroxy-3-oxolupan-28-oic acid stands as a powerful tool in the hands of the curious and the determined, ready to propel scientific progress to new heights.

  • Color form: Powder
  • Formula: C30H48O4
  • Molecular weight: 472.71
  • Notes: This product is intended for laboratory use only, and it is not meant for human consumption.For Reference Standard and R&D, Not for Human Use Directly.The product could be supplied from milligrams to grams. Inquire for bulk scale.We provide solution to im
  • Purity: 95%~99%
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