3D-ZAD16331 - Methyl2 Oxolan 3 Ylideneethylamine (1899163-31-5) -

REF #: Not Available
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3D-ZAD16331 - Methyl2 Oxolan 3 Ylideneethylamine (1899163-31-5)

Discover the exceptional versatility of 3D-ZAD16331 - Methyl2 Oxolan 3 Ylideneethylamine, a captivating Building Block compound with a unique molecular structure. Boasting a CAS number of 1899163-31-5, this chemical marvel offers a world of possibilities for your research and development endeavors. Explore its diverse applications, from pharmaceuticals to agrochemicals, and unlock the potential for groundbreaking discoveries. Handled with care, this compound promises reliable performance and precision, elevating your experiments to new heights. Embrace the power of this exceptional Building Block and let it inspire your next innovative creation.

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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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3D-ZAD16331 - Methyl2 Oxolan 3 Ylideneethylamine (1899163-31-5)

Unlock the versatile potential of 3D-ZAD16331 - Methyl2 Oxolan 3 Ylideneethylamine, a captivating chemical compound that holds the key to unlocking new frontiers in scientific research and development. This intriguing molecule, identified by the CAS number 1899163-31-5, boasts a unique structure that sets it apart as a valuable asset in the world of chemistry and beyond.

At the heart of this compound lies a captivating oxolan-3-ylidene moiety, which is seamlessly integrated with a methylated ethylamine group. This distinctive arrangement of atoms and functional groups endows 3D-ZAD16331 with a remarkable array of properties, making it a sought-after building block in various scientific disciplines.

Whether you're a researcher in the pharmaceutical industry, an innovator in the agrochemical sector, or a chemist exploring the boundaries of material science, this versatile compound holds the potential to unlock new avenues of discovery. Its diverse applications span from the synthesis of novel drug candidates to the development of cutting-edge materials with enhanced performance characteristics.

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, 3D-ZAD16331 boasts a high level of purity, ensuring reliable and consistent results in your research endeavors. Its unique chemical identity, as denoted by the CAS number 1899163-31-5, serves as a distinctive marker, allowing you to confidently integrate this compound into your scientific workflows.

Unlock the potential of 3D-ZAD16331 - Methyl2 Oxolan 3 Ylideneethylamine and embark on a journey of discovery. Explore its versatile applications, from the synthesis of innovative pharmaceuticals to the development of cutting-edge materials. Harness the power of this captivating compound and unlock new possibilities in your field of expertise.


3D-ZAD16331 - Methyl2 Oxolan 3 Ylideneethylamine (1899163-31-5) is a highly specialized chemical compound that holds immense potential for researchers and scientists across various disciplines. This intriguing molecule, with its unique structural features, offers a wealth of opportunities for exploration and innovation.

At the core of 3D-ZAD16331 is the captivating oxolan-3-ylidene moiety, which is seamlessly integrated with a methylated ethylamine group. This distinctive arrangement of atoms and functional groups endows the compound with a remarkable array of properties, making it a valuable asset in the realms of pharmaceutical research, agrochemical development, and material science.

In the pharmaceutical industry, 3D-ZAD16331 serves as a versatile building block in the synthesis of innovative drug candidates. Its distinct chemical structure allows for the creation of compounds with improved pharmacological profiles, targeting a wide range of therapeutic areas and addressing unmet medical needs.

Within the agrochemical sector, this compound contributes to the development of advanced crop protection agents. Its unique properties can be leveraged to formulate potent and selective pesticides, helping to safeguard crops and enhance agricultural productivity while minimizing environmental impact.

In the realm of material science, 3D-ZAD16331 finds application in the engineering of novel materials with tailored properties. Its integration into polymers, coatings, or other functional materials can lead to the creation of substances with enhanced mechanical strength, thermal stability, or other performance-enhancing characteristics, opening up new possibilities for technological advancements.

Product Features

  • Unique oxolan-3-ylidene moiety integrated with a methylated ethylamine group
  • Versatile chemical structure with diverse applications in pharmaceutical research, agrochemical development, and material science
  • Potential for the synthesis of innovative drug candidates, advanced crop protection agents, and high-performance materials
  • Identified by the CAS number 1899163-31-5, providing a distinctive marker
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