Esculentoside D -

REF #: BP-BP0563
Short description

Esculentoside D

Discover the exceptional Esculentoside D, a botanical compound derived from the Phytolacca esculenta and Phytolacca thyrsiflora plants. This high-purity (95%~99%) compound, with a molecular formula of C37H58O12 and a molecular weight of 694.859 g/mol, offers a unique blend of chemical properties that make it a valuable asset for research and development. Carefully extracted and purified, Esculentoside D showcases its versatility through a range of potential applications, from pharmaceuticals to natural product synthesis. Unlock the power of this remarkable botanical source and elevate your scientific endeavors to new heights.
For Reference Standard and R&D, Not for Human Use Directly. Inquire for bulk scale.

  • CAS: 89808-50-4
  • Ref #: BP-BP0563
  • Purity: 95%~99%
  • Formula: C37H58O12
  • Molecular Weight: 694.859 g/mol
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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Esculentoside D

Esculentoside D, with the CAS number 89808-50-4, is a highly purified botanical compound derived from the roots of Phytolacca esculenta and Phytolacca thyrsiflora. This natural compound, part of the Phytolaccae radix sub-category, offers a wealth of potential applications in scientific research and development.

At a purity level ranging from 95% to 99%, Esculentoside D presents a well-defined chemical profile, with a molecular formula of C37H58O12 and a molecular weight of 694.859 g/mol. This level of purity ensures reliable and consistent results in various experimental settings, making it a valuable asset for researchers and scientists.

The versatility of Esculentoside D lies in its diverse range of potential applications, spanning multiple scientific disciplines. Its unique botanical origins and chemical structure open up avenues for exploration in the following areas:

Pharmaceutical Research

As a natural compound, Esculentoside D holds promise in the development of innovative pharmaceutical products. Researchers may investigate its potential therapeutic properties, exploring its ability to address various health conditions or serve as a starting point for the synthesis of novel drug candidates. The compound's inherent complexity and bioactivity make it an intriguing subject for pharmaceutical research and development.

Agrochemical Applications

In the field of agrochemicals, Esculentoside D can contribute to the creation of advanced crop protection agents. Its botanical origins and distinct chemical profile may enable the formulation of selective and effective pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides, helping to safeguard agricultural yields while minimizing environmental impact.

Chemical Synthesis

Beyond its direct applications, Esculentoside D can serve as a valuable building block in the synthesis of a wide range of novel compounds. Its unique structural features and reactivity can be leveraged by chemists to develop materials and substances with tailored properties, opening up new avenues for scientific exploration and innovation.

Product Specifications

  • CAS Number: 89808-50-4
  • Product Name: Esculentoside D
  • Reference Number: BP-BP0563
  • Purity: 95% to 99%
  • Molecular Formula: C37H58O12
  • Molecular Weight: 694.859 g/mol
  • Botanical Source: Phytolacca esculenta and Phytolacca thyrsiflora
  • Sub-Category: Phytolaccae radix
  • Identification Method: HPLC-DAD or/and HPLC-ELSD

For researchers and scientists seeking to explore the potential of Esculentoside D, it is important to note that this compound is intended for reference standard and research and development purposes only. It is not for direct human use. Inquiries for bulk-scale supply can be made to accommodate your specific research needs.

To delve deeper into the technical details, applications, and safety considerations surrounding Esculentoside D, consult the available product information and supporting literature. This comprehensive resource will provide you with the necessary insights to unlock the versatile potential of this botanical compound and advance your scientific endeavors.

  • Formula: C37H58O12
  • Molecular weight: 694.859
  • Notes: Can be supplied from milligrams to grams.For Reference Standard and R&D, Not for Human Use Directly.Inquire for bulk scale.analysis-method: HPLC-DAD or/and HPLC-ELSDbotanical-source: Phytolacca esculenta and Phytolacca thyrsifloraidentification-method: Ma
  • Purity: 95%~99%
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