High-Quality Antibody for Western Blotting and ELISA | Research and Lab Essentials

REF #: 3286036
Short description

Product: Premium Affinity Isolated Antibody for Western Blotting and ELISA

  • Applicability: Ideal for Western blotting and ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay) applications.
  • Source: Produced in goat, ensuring high affinity isolation.
  • Features: Buffer solubilized ensuring a ready-to-use product. Affords high specificity to VPS37C, also identified as FLJ20847 or Vacuolar protein sorting 37C.
  • Quality: 100% guaranteed performance, assuring absolute confidence in results.
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Comprehensive Information on Antibody for Western Blotting and ELISA

Premium Quality Antibody for Western Blotting and ELISA

Product Summary

This premium Goat-derived Antibody for Western Blotting and ELISA is an optimal choice for researchers aiming for impeccable results. It is exclusively designed to detect the protein VPS37C, also known as FLJ20847 or Vacuolar protein sorting 37C, with high specificity and sensitivity. Enjoy unmatched reliability with this affinity-isolated antibody, virtuously crafted for Western blotting and ELISA applications.

Key Features

  • Exclusively designed for Western blotting and ELISA
  • Derived from goat and affinity isolated
  • Aqueous solution with optimal buffering
  • Guaranteed 100% Bio-assured performance
  • Specifically targets VPS37C, FLJ20847, Vacuolar protein sorting 37C protein


The Antibody consists of the following ingredients:

  • Goat-derived high-quality antibodies
  • Agents for affinity purification
  • Stabilizing buffering agents
  • Preservatives to prevent microbial contamination
  • Base solvent: Water


  • Type: Antibody
  • Intended Applications: Western blotting, ELISA
  • Host Species: Goat
  • Purification: Affinity isolated
  • Form: Buffered aqueous solution
  • Storage Recommendations: -20°C
  • Guarantee: 100% Bio-assured
  • Targets: VPS37C, FLJ20847, Vacuolar protein sorting 37C

Usage Guide

Follow these steps for usage:

  1. Allow the antibody to thaw at room temperature if frozen.
  2. Mix the solution gently for even distribution.
  3. Dilute as per the desired concentration, based on the recommended protocol.
  4. Incubate the antibody with the target protein as per protocol guidelines.
  5. Proceed with the preferred detection method such as colorimetric or chemiluminescent detection.
  6. Analyse and interpret the results using applicable software or imaging systems.

Safety Precautions

Ensure your safety while using the Antibody:

  • Make use of appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. In case of contact, irrigate with plenty of water.
  • Do not ingest. If accidentally ingested, promptly seek medical help and present detailed product information.
  • Store in recommended conditions and avoid extremes (heat/cold).

For further information and queries, refer to the product label or consult customer support.

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