Potent Butcher's Broom P.E.: Unleashing Health Benefits & Multifaceted Uses

REF #: 037314
Short description

Butcher’s Broom P.E. (Botanical source: Ruscus aculeatus L.) is a brown-yellow extract derived from a Mediterranean evergreen shrub, hosting potent saponin glycosides dubbed ruscogenins. Renowned for its vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory properties, it offering tangible benefits in the treatment of varicose veins and relief from fluid retention symptoms linked to chronic venous insufficiency. The ingredient thrives as the primary active ingredient in medications addressing venous circulatory disorders and hemorrhoid-related issues. Key elements of this extract include Ruscogenin 8% and a specification ratio of 10:1.

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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Butcher's Broom P.E. (Ruscus aculeatus L.) is a potent botanical extract hailing from the Mediterranean region. Revered for its saponin glycosides - ruscogenins, this evergreen shrub of the Lily family is acclaimed for its diverse health benefits. Let's delve into why this powerful herb is a golden addition to the realm of natural wellness solutions.

Health Benefits:

  • Circulatory Health: The ancient Greeks historically used Butcher's Broom rhizome for treating a plethora of circulatory disorders, swelling, and varicose veins, compliments to its notable vasoconstrictive effect.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Robust anti-inflammatory benefits are imparted by ruscogenins present in Butcher's Broom, as corroborated by research.
  • Capillary Strength: The ruscogenins not only decrease capillaries' fragility and permeability but also constrict veins, providing comprehensive vascular support.


  • Chronic venous insufficiency: It plays a pivotal role in retaining fluid and mitigating symptoms associated with chronic venous insufficiency.
  • Vascular disorders: The efficacy of Butcher's Broom in constricting blood vessels and capillaries makes it a commendable solution for combating varicose veins.
  • Anti-swelling agent: As an anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling agent, it is ideal for addressing conditions accompanied by inflammation and swelling.


  • Medicinal Use: Butcher's Broom is often a key ingredient in medicines engineered for addressing venous circulatory disorders and hemorrhoidal issues.

Quality tested via UV methodologies, Butcher's Broom P.E. boasts a brown-yellow hue and offer a bulk density ranging from 0.45-0.75g/mL, coupled with moisture and ash content not exceeding 5%. A gem in traditional use and validated by cutting-edge science, Butcher's Broom P.E. is a sought-after addition to health-centric applications.

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