Capsaicin - Natural Excitatory & Desensitizing Compound Derived from Cayenne Peppers

REF #: 3320959
Short description


An active constituent of cayenne pepper with excitatory and desensitizing effects on a subset of primary afferent sensory neurons.

Product Details:

  • CAS Number: 404-86-4
  • Synonyms: Capsaicin,[(E)-N-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methyl]-8-methyl-6-nonenamide

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  • MSDS: Find here
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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Capsaicin - Natural Excitatory and Desensitizing Compound from Cayenne Peppers

Capsaicin is a naturally occurring compound notably sourced from cayenne and chili peppers. It is identified by its CAS Number 404-86-4 or scientifically known as [(E)-N-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methyl]-8-methyl-6-nonenamide. This compound is renowned for its potent ability to heat up the flavors of many spicy cuisines across diverse cultures. However, capsaicin's significance far surpasses the culinary world. Its excitatory and desensitizing impacts on primary sensory neurons accord it a vital role in the medicinal, research, and food industries.

Distinct Properties & Prominent Benefits

Capsaicin brings the following unique attributes to the table:

  • Serves as an efficient natural resource derived from cayenne peppers
  • Boasts excitatory and desensitizing effects on primary afferent sensory neurons
  • Widely applicable in numerous research studies and manufacturing sectors

Among a myriad of applications, capsaicin features prominently in:

  • Pain Management: For its analgesic properties, it's found in topical creams and ointments.
  • Weight Management: With its known impacts on metabolism, it's included in dietary supplements and associated with weight loss initiatives.
  • Neurological Research: Provides key insights into sensory neurons and pain pathways, aiding scientific and medical research.
  • Culinary Enrichment: It serves as a flavoring agent, adding 'fire' to countless spicy foods worldwide.

Cautions for Handling and Storage

Adherence to safety and quality standards ensures the following precautions are benchmarked:

  • Direct contact avoidance safeguards against potential irritation. User protection includes gloves and goggles.
  • Storage guidelines recommend a cool, dry environment, away from direct light, in a tightly sealed container.

Additional Resources

For comprehensive safety instructions and handling measures, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Further delve into capsaicin's multi-faceted applications via peer-reviewed papers. Expand your insights through accessing our wide range of technical documents and supportive guides.

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