Galectin-1 Human Recombinant E. coli Protein - High-Quality and Pure

REF #: 3206279
Short description

Galectin-1 Human Recombinant E. coli

  • Synonyms: Lactose-binding lectin 1, Beta-galactoside-binding lectin L-14-I, S-Lac lectin 1, Galaptin, 14 kDa lectin, HPL, HBL, MAPK activating protein MP12
  • High-quality, pure Galectin-1 protein
  • Purified from E. coli using recombinant technology
  • Useful for research in various fields
  • Available as 345831 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, and technical documents
  • Similar products also available
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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Galectin-1 Human Recombinant E. coli Protein

The Galectin-1 Human Recombinant E. coli Protein is a high-quality and pure protein that is purified from E. coli using advanced recombinant technology. This protein is widely used for research in various fields due to its unique properties and reliable performance.


  • Lactose-binding lectin 1
  • Beta-galactoside-binding lectin L-14-I
  • S-Lac lectin 1
  • Galaptin
  • 14 kDa lectin
  • HPL
  • HBL
  • MAPK activating protein MP12

Product Features:

  • High-quality, pure Galectin-1 protein
  • Purified from E. coli using advanced recombinant technology
  • Wide range of research applications
  • Ample supply for research purposes

Product Description:

The Galectin-1 Human Recombinant E. coli Protein, also known as Lactose-binding lectin 1, Beta-galactoside-binding lectin L-14-I, S-Lac lectin 1, Galaptin, 14 kDa lectin, HPL, HBL, MAPK activating protein MP12, is an important protein with numerous research applications. It belongs to the galectin family, a group of carbohydrate-binding proteins that are involved in various biological processes.

The Galectin-1 Human Recombinant E. coli Protein is produced using advanced recombinant technology, ensuring high purity and consistent quality. The protein is derived from E. coli, a commonly used expression system in molecular biology and biotechnology. This recombinant approach allows for the large-scale production of Galectin-1, ensuring ample supply for research purposes.

Galectin-1 is known for its ability to bind to beta-galactoside-containing glycoconjugates. This molecular interaction plays a crucial role in various cellular processes, including cell adhesion, apoptosis, and immune response modulation. Due to its diverse functions, Galectin-1 has become an important target for research in fields such as cancer biology, immunology, and neurobiology.

The availability of the Galectin-1 Human Recombinant E. coli Protein as a high-quality and pure protein allows researchers to study its specific functions and mechanisms with confidence. Its consistent quality and purity make it an ideal tool for a wide range of experiments and assays.


The Galectin-1 Human Recombinant E. coli Protein has various research applications, including but not limited to:

  • Investigating the role of Galectin-1 in cancer progression and metastasis
  • Studying the interaction between Galectin-1 and immune cells in immunology research
  • Exploring the influence of Galectin-1 in the development and regeneration of the nervous system
  • Evaluating the potential therapeutic applications of Galectin-1 in various diseases

Technical Information:

For detailed technical information, including MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), related peer-reviewed papers, and technical documents, please refer to the product number 345831.

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  • Galectin-3 Human Recombinant
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