GMPR Antibody - Highly Specific and Reliable Antibody for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Research

REF #: 3274004
Short description

GMPR Antibody – Highly Specific and Reliable Antibody for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Research

  • Main Features:
    – Suitable for immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting
    – Affinity isolated antibody
    – Buffered aqueous glycerol solution
  • Key Components:
    – Anti-GMP reductase 1 antibody
    – Anti-Guanosine 5′-monophosphate oxidoreductase 1 antibody
    – Anti-Guanosine monophosphate reductase 1 antibody
  • This highly specific and affinity isolated GMPR Antibody is designed to target GMP reductase 1, an enzyme involved in guanosine monophosphate metabolism. It is a valuable tool for researchers in various areas of molecular biology and biochemistry.
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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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The GMPR Antibody - Highly Specific and Reliable Antibody for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Research

  • Suitable for immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting: The GMPR Antibody is specifically optimized for these applications, allowing researchers to accurately detect and analyze GMP reductase 1 in various samples.
  • Affinity isolated antibody: The antibody has been carefully purified and isolated to ensure high specificity and sensitivity in detecting GMP reductase 1.
  • Buffered aqueous glycerol solution: The antibody is provided in a solution that not only enhances its stability but also improves its performance by maintaining its activity and structure.

Main Features:

  • Specifically designed to target GMP reductase 1: The GMPR Antibody is a highly specialized and affinity isolated antibody specifically designed to target GMP reductase 1, the enzyme involved in guanosine monophosphate metabolism.
  • Produced in rabbits by Atlas Antibodies: This prestigious antibody is powered by Atlas Antibodies, a well-known and trusted name in the industry for its superior quality and reliability.
  • High specificity and sensitivity: The GMPR Antibody has been carefully purified and separated from other components, ensuring its high specificity and sensitivity in detecting GMP reductase 1. This specificity is crucial in research applications as it allows for accurate and reliable results.
  • Versatile tool for molecular biology and biochemistry research: Suitable for use in immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting applications, the GMPR Antibody is a versatile tool for researchers in various areas of molecular biology and biochemistry.

Key Components:

  • Anti-GMP reductase 1 antibody: This component specifically targets GMP reductase 1, the enzyme involved in guanosine monophosphate metabolism.
  • Anti-Guanosine 5'-monophosphate oxidoreductase 1 antibody: This component is designed to detect the oxidoreductase activity of GMP reductase 1, providing comprehensive insights into its function.
  • Anti-Guanosine monophosphate reductase 1 antibody: This component is specific to guanosine monophosphate reductase 1, further enhancing the specificity of the antibody in detecting this enzyme.

The GMPR Antibody plays a crucial role in research related to guanosine monophosphate metabolism. GMP reductase 1 is an enzyme involved in the biosynthesis and degradation of guanosine monophosphate, a key molecule in cellular processes such as DNA and RNA synthesis. By targeting this enzyme, researchers can gain valuable insights into the regulation and function of guanosine monophosphate metabolism, as well as its implications in various diseases and biological processes.

With its high specificity and reliable performance, the GMPR Antibody is an invaluable tool for researchers working in molecular biology and biochemistry. It allows for accurate and precise detection of GMP reductase 1, providing researchers with the confidence to obtain meaningful and reliable results. Whether it is used for immunohistochemistry or immunoblotting, this antibody is sure to deliver exceptional performance and facilitate groundbreaking research in the field.

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