High-Performance Titanium Foil | Superior Strength, Exceptional Purity, Versatile & Durable

REF #: 3283418
Short description

Quality Titanium Foil 0.0125mm provides a superior level of purity with 99.6%, ideal for various industrial applications. With dimensions of 279mm x 300mm, it caters to distinct research, development, and production needs. Boasting consistency and supreme durability, it stands out among conventional offerings.

  • Thickness: 0.0125mm
  • Dimensions: 279mm x 300mm
  • Purity: 99.6%+
  • CAS Number: 7440-32-6
  • Synonyms: TI000220

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
Delivery options
  • 7 Days Return Back Policy
  • 2 Days Cancellation Policy
  • Ship Only

Introducing our High-Performance Titanium Foil- a perfect blend of Exceptional Purity, Superior Strength, Versatility, and Durability.

Fabricated with the highest level of precision, our Titanium Foil surpasses industry standards with an outstanding thickness of 0.0125mm and dimensions tailored to meet your specific requirements. The build quality of our product is simply superior featuring 279mm x 300mm dimensions, making it a reliable partner in your critical industrial projects.

Made under stringent quality controls, our Titanium Foil is meticulously engineered to ensure a purity performance of 99.6%+, competing with the best in the market. Not only does it guarantee durability but its performance is unmatched, making it a remarkably reliable material for industries.

One of the standout features of our Titanium Foil is its structural strength that is unmatched in the market. Crafted with exceptional corrosion resistance capabilities and unmatchable dimensional stability, the product sets a whole new standard in the market. With its CAS number 7440-32-6, our Titanium Foil stands apart from the competition.

  • Compound Name: Titanium
  • Synonyms: TI000220
  • Molecular Formula: Ti
  • Molecular Weight: 47.87 g/mol
  • Density: 4.506 g/cm³ at 20°C
  • Melting Point: 1668°C
  • Boiling Point: 3287°C

The unique features of our Titanium Foil make it an imperative tool in industries across various sectors. Its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio combined with its corrosion resistance capabilities make the material an ideal choice not just for the aerospace industry but also for healthcare applications. In the healthcare industry, it finds use in the manufacture of medical prostheses, orthopedic implants, and dental instruments among a host of other applications. Additionally, its corrosion resistance and substantial strength make it a viable solution for sporting goods and marine applications, making it a go-to option for various businesses.

Hazard and Precautionary Statements: Though Titanium is a safe material, users must handle it with care and ensure they take necessary precautions to avoid getting injured by sharp edges. Using appropriate safety equipment while handling the material is strongly advised.

Our High-Quality Titanium Foil not only offers unparalleled quality but also provides versatility and durability, making it a must-have tool in your arsenal. Its advantages are further highlighted in our technical documents and tube studies, which you can refer to with code GF99986382.

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