Buy Pure, Natural, and Multifunctional Pharmaceutical Grade Melissa Officinalis Oil | Lemon Balm Oil for Optimal Wellness

REF #: 011239
Short description

Pure and Natural Pharmaceutical Grade Melissa Officinalis Oil | Multifunctional Lemon Balm Oil

  • CAS Number: 8014-71-9.
  • Grade: Pharmaceutical quality, guaranteeing optimal purity and effectiveness.
  • Nature: Derived from 100% pure and natural sources, guarantees the richness in essential compounds.
  • Usage: Highly utilized in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and aromatherapy industries owing to its therapeutic properties.
  • Distribution: Available for purchase worldwide including North America, Central/South America, Europe, Australasia, Asia, Middle East, and Africa.
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
Delivery options
  • 7 Days Return Back Policy
  • 2 Days Cancellation Policy
  • Ship Only

Buy Pure and Natural Pharmaceutical Grade Melissa Officinalis Oil: Your Versatile and Potent Wellness Ally

Sourced from the choicest Melissa officinalis, or lemon balm, plantations, our pharmaceutical grade oil embodies the essence of natural purity. Delivering a perfect balance of potency and versatility, this oil finds widespread use in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and wellness segments.

  • Unparalleled Quality Assurance

    Our Melissa officinalis oil, also known as lemon balm oil, stands out for its superior quality standards. It is borne out of the finest raw materials, procured through advanced extraction processes, and subject to rigorous quality checks. The outcome is a product that synchronizes with international quality parameters, providing you with the very best.

  • Chock-full of Active Compounds

    Brimming with a wealth of beneficial compounds such as rosmarinic acid, citronellal, and geraniol, our oil efficiently delivers extensive health and wellness benefits. Its rich content of bioactive agents makes the oil a powerful contributor to your diverse applications.

  • All-embracing Industrial Applications

    Our oil is a crucial ingredient in the cosmetic industry, known for its potent skin-friendly properties and excellent soothing effects. It finds a dedicated place in aromatherapy for its stress-relieving attributes and is hailed in the pharmaceutical world for its active bioactive compounds. Unleash the multifaceted benefits of our Melissa officinalis oil in diverse sectors.

  • Packaging and Retailing Excellence

    Our pharmaceutical grade Melissa Officinalis oil is securely sealed in airtight packets that preserve freshness, potency, and quality through storage and transport. We sell our oil in different quantities to match customer requirements. Please note, product samples are currently not available.

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