Methyl Cobalamine (812) USP: High-Quality Pharmaceutical Grade Product

REF #: 028017
Short description

Methyl Cobalamine (812) USP: High-Quality Pharmaceutical Grade Product

Methyl Cobalamine (812) USP is a top-tier, pharmaceutical-grade ingredient fabricated in China’s Fujian Province. Boasting global demand due to its superior purity and quality, this product extends benefits like healthy nervous system support, red blood cell formation, optimum cognitive function and energy metabolism, and cardiovascular health. It is renowned for applications in pharmaceutical manufacture, dietary supplements, and functional food and beverage incorporation. Ensuring the highest quality, it is crafted within industry-grade facilities, adhering to strict quality standards. Proper storage away from moisture and sunlight guarantees an extensive shelf life.

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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Methyl Cobalamine (812) USP: High-Quality Pharmaceutical Grade Product

Methyl Cobalamine (812) USP is a pharmaceutical-grade compound known for its exceptional purity and quality. With a focus on meeting international quality standards, this ingredient is refined in the highly industrialized city of Xiamen, Fujian Province, Zhongguo.

The molecular formula of Methyl Cobalamine is C63H91CoN13O14P, and its CAS Number is 13422-55-4. It has a molecular weight of 1344.38 g/mol. Owning to its superior-quality and high effectiveness, Methyl Cobalamine (812) USP is a preferred choice in North America, Central/South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Australasia, Asia, Middle East, and Africa.

Key Features:

  • Pharmaceutical Grade Product
  • IUPAC Name: Coα-[α-(5,6-Dimethylbenzimidazolyl)]-Coβ-hydrogenobamide
  • Synonyms: Mecobalamin, Methyl Vitamin B12, Methylcobalamin
  • Molecular Formula: C63H91CoN13O14P
  • Molecular Weight: 1344.38 g/mol
  • CAS Number: 13422-55-4
  • Exceptional Purity and Quality
  • Widely used in a variety of healthcare and pharmaceutical applications

Please note that samples of this product are not provided due to its high pharmaceutical grade. We assure the efficacy and quality with each purchase made. For applications, dosage, and other specifics, please refer to the product's documentation.

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