MISSION® esiRNA: High-Performance Tool for Human FCRLB Gene Knockdown | Cutting-edge Biotechnology Product

REF #: 3394630
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Short Product Description

MISSION® esiRNA is a state-of-the-art innovation purpose-built for effective targeting of the human FCRLB gene. With magnets for precise gene knockdowns and assured high performance, this tool proves indispensable in advanced cell biology studies and deep-diving disease research.

Key Highlights:

  • Pinpoints the human FCRLB gene with precision
  • Enables high-performance and repeatable results in gene knockdown studies
  • Serves as a reliable partner in complex cellular research and disease management
  • Excellence in quality, backing robust research outcomes
  • Aids in understanding the behavior of the FCRLB gene, better
  • Promotes focused research in the domain of cellular biology & disease studies
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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  • 7 Days Return Back Policy
  • 2 Days Cancellation Policy
  • Ship Only

Redefining Scientific Investigation: MISSION® esiRNA—High-performance Gene Knockdown Tool for Human FCRLB Gene

The MISSION® esiRNA, a revolutionary tool meticulously designed to target the human FCRLB gene, has transformed the realm of biotechnology. With its extensive role in facilitating effective gene knockdown experiments, it aims to equip scientific researchers with the capacity to mute the FCRLB gene in human cells, becoming an instrumental part of investigative procedures into cellular mechanisms and disease pathways.

Product Overview

The MISSION® esiRNA is a breakthrough product created for specific, focused research studies into the role of the FCRLB gene in the human cells. It is custom-engineered to serve as a robust tool for gene knockdown experiments, providing opportunities to deepen our understanding of FCRLB's function and collaborative role in cellular processes and potential disease mechanisms.

Key Features and Advantages

  • Custom-engineered Design: The MISSION® esiRNA is tailor-made to target the FCRLB gene in human cells, enabling concentrated investigation into FCRLB's role in varied cellular processes.
  • Robust Gene Knockdown: Facilitates thorough experimentation through its exceptional capacity to silence the FCRLB gene. It opens up wide-ranging opportunities for research into functional roles and mechanisms of the FCRLB gene.
  • High Quality and Consistent Performance: Undergoes stringent quality control measures to ensure confident tracking of genetic influence and results. This makes it a reliable tool for gene knockdown experiments.
  • Critical Aid in Disease Research: By focusing on the FCRLB gene, this tool serves as an essential element in studying molecular mechanisms underlying diseases, aiding in the identification of potential therapeutic targets.

Who can use the MISSION® esiRNA?

Primarily, molecular biology researchers who are focusing on exploring gene functions and molecular mechanisms related to diseases will find this tool to be of immense value for their investigative processes. The MISSION® esiRNA: Targeting Human FCRLB Gene is a powerful tool that simplifies the complexities of disease-associated investigation processes, leading the way to significant biotechnological advancements.

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