N-feruloyl Serotonin: High-Quality Safflower Seed Extract with Therapeutic Benefits

REF #: 072147
Short description
  • N-feruloyl Serotonin: A high-quality safflower seed extract featured in powder form.
  • Pharmaceutically and Medicinally Graded: Harnessed from safflower seeds through solvent extraction.
  • Powerful Benefits: Inhibits -glucosidase, scavenges free radicals, and inhibits monoamine oxidase and cholinesterase activities.
  • Potent Therapeutic Characteristics: Known for its anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.
  • Molecular Formula: C20H20N2O4.
  • Diverse and Flexible Packaging: Available in bottles, drums, and vacuum-packed options.
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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  • 7 Days Return Back Policy
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  • Ship Only

N-feruloyl Serotonin: High-Quality Safflower Seed Extract with Therapeutic Benefits

N-feruloyl serotonin is a powerful extract derived from safflower seeds with a molecular formula of C20H20N2O4. This high-quality safflower seed extract offers a multitude of therapeutic benefits due to its unique properties and composition.

Key Features:

  • Sourced from Safflower Seeds: Our N-feruloyl serotonin is extracted from the seeds of the safflower plant using a solvent extraction method. This ensures the purity and quality of the extract.
  • Regulates Sugar Metabolism: As an excellent inhibitor of -glucosidase, this extract plays a vital role in managing diabetes by regulating sugar metabolism. It offers potential as a therapeutic agent for this condition.
  • Powerful Antioxidant: Acting as a scavenger of free radicals, N-feruloyl serotonin protects cells from damage. By aiding anti-aging processes and supporting overall health, it contributes to maintaining a youthful and vibrant appearance.
  • Enhances Cognitive Health: This extract effectively inhibits the activities of monoamine oxidase and cholinesterase, which are enzymes associated with cognitive decline. By doing so, it may potentially aid in maintaining cognitive health and managing symptoms related to depression and Parkinson's disease.
  • Potential in Cancer Research: With its anti-tumor properties, N-feruloyl serotonin shows promise in the field of cancer research. Its potent effects make it a potential candidate for developing anti-cancer drugs.
  • Anti-inflammatory and Antibacterial Properties: This safflower seed extract possesses powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. These properties contribute to managing inflammation and combating bacterial infections, ultimately promoting overall well-being.

Note: It is crucial to consult professionals before using this product for health purposes. The efficacy of the extract may vary from person to person. Always seek advice from a healthcare professional regarding its usage and dosage information.

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