OneStep HIV1/2 WB/Serum/Plasma Test Kit - Rapid HIV Antibody Detection

REF #: 001904
Short description

The OneStep HIV1/2 WB/Serum/Plasma Test Kit is a powerful tool for detection of HIV antibodies. Suitable for both laboratory and point-of-care settings, it guarantees 100% sensitivity and specificity. Results are delivered in a remarkable 15-30 minutes time-frame, enhancing efficiency.

  • Specimen Type: Accepts serum, plasma, or whole blood
  • Storage: Can be safely stored at 2 to 30u00b0 C, boasting a shelf life of 24 months
  • Components: The kit includes 40 cassettes, droppers and desiccants in sealed pouches, coupled with two 5ml sample diluent bottles

Users must note that some accessories are not included. For accurate results, biosafety measures and manufacturer’s guidelines must be duly followed.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
Delivery options
  • 7 Days Return Back Policy
  • 2 Days Cancellation Policy
  • Ship Only

OneStep HIV1/2 WB/Serum/Plasma Test Kit - Top-Notch HIV Antibody Detection

The OneStep HIV1/2 WB/Serum/Plasma Test Kit is a revolutionary in vitro diagnostic tool, specifically geared towards clinical and point-of-care testing. This regulatory-compliant kit can identify HIV 1/2 antibodies present in human blood, serum, or plasma, providing critical support in HIV infection diagnosis.

Key Features

  • Superior Sensitivity & Specificity: This test kit guarantees 100.0% sensitivity and specificity, promising results of outstanding precision.
  • Flexibility with Specimens: OneStep is compatible with various specimens such as serum, plasma, and whole blood samples, adding to user convenience.
  • Minimal Sample Volume: Achieve accurate results with as little as 10µl sample.
  • Fast Results: Get reliable HIV test results within 15-30 minutes, furthering effective and timely decision-making.
  • Package Contents: Each pack comes with 40 individually sealed pouches, each with a test cassette, dropper, and desiccant. The kit also includes two 5ml sample diluent bottles and comprehensive usage instructions.

Storage, Shelf life, and Recommendations

Store the OneStep kit between 2 and 30°C to maintain its effectiveness. Ensure it's kept away from high humidity and direct sunlight. The kit remains usable for 24 months from the date of manufacturing. Users should adhere to the kit's biosafety precautions and use only the specified specimen types for accurate results.

Pleaase Note

The kit doesn't include specimen collection containers, sterile lancets, alcohol pads, centrifuge, capillary tubes, timers, protective gloves, and waste containers.

Reliable and Efficient HIV Diagnosis with OneStep HIV1/2 WB/Serum/Plasma Test Kit

Get dependable HIV 1/2 antibody detection results fast and efficiently with the OneStep kit. Its unmatched precision, convenience, and versatility make it an indispensable component in point-of-care medical facilities and clinical labs alike.

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