High-Precision Blood Sampling Tool for Modern Labs | DBS Punch Set

REF #: 000243
Short description

Enhance your lab efficiency with the ‘High-Precision Blood Sampling Tool: Punch, DBS, 3.0mm, Set of 25’. An essential gadget for modern labs, it guarantees high-quality data collection for various laboratory services. Key features include:

  • Precision: Accurately fitted with 3.0mm diameter for precise sample readings.
  • Durability: Reusable and sterilizable, making it a cost-effective tool for multiple uses.
  • Versality: A versatile tool perfect for a range of lab testing procedures.
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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  • 7 Days Return Back Policy
  • 2 Days Cancellation Policy
  • Ship Only

High-Precision Blood Sampling Tool: Punch, DBS, 3.0mm, Set of 25 for Modern Labs

Designed to meet the demanding needs of modern laboratories, our High-Precision Blood Sampling Tool: Punch, DBS, 3.0mm, guarantees precision, efficiency, and safety in blood sampling and testing. This unique tool ensures optimal accuracy in blood sampling with its 3.0mm extraction diameter, making it ideal for DBS filter papers.

Optimal Performance and Safety

Built to deliver exceptional performance, this tool is specialized for extracting samples from DBS filter papers. Equipped with features to ensure successful sampling sessions, it ensures workflow efficiency and produces accurate, reliable results every time.

The autoclavable design promotes easy sterilization, thus limiting the chances of cross-contamination and allowing safe reuse. Furthermore, it withstands repeated usage without any deterioration in effectiveness, ensuring consistent high-quality performance.

High Demand Capabilities and Easy Handling

With a set of 25 identical punches, it is more than capable of meeting the high-demanding requirements of modern labs. Its compact and lightweight features make it convenient for space-efficient storage without compromising its robust functionality. Weighing just 1.1 kg with a volume of 0.004 m3, it's both easy to store and transport.

Bolster your laboratory's operational efficiency, safety standards, and reputation for high-quality services with our High-Precision Blood Sampling Tool: Punch, DBS, 3.0mm, Set of 25. Trust in its exceptional performance to deliver accurate and reliable results each time.

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