Spectrolab EM55-1...4: Superior Wall-Mounting Gas System for High-Precision Control

REF #: 005983
Short description

The Spectrolab Tapping Points EM55-1…4 is a meticulously crafted gas system for non-corrosive gases. This wall-mounted device, known for its user-friendliness and precision, ensures hassle-free operations in varied lab environments. It accommodates an inlet pressure capacity up to 300 bar and output pressures ranging from 1.5-50 bar. Additionally, it is equipped with diaphragm type shut-off valves.

  • Ease of Use: Installation and operation are simple and straightforward.
  • Accuracy: It assures precise pressure regulation, catering to a myriad of applications.
  • Versatility: Particularly effective for Electrochemical Detection (ECD) applications.
  • Safety: Certified safe for oxygen usage.
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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Spectrolab EM55-1...4: High-Precision Wall-Mounting Gas System

Introducing the Spectrolab EM55-1...4 - a cutting-edge, high-precision wall-mounting gas system specifically engineered for the precise control over non-corrosive gases up to quality 6.0. This technologically advanced system makes an excellent choice for laboratory environments, offering a perfect blend of top-tier design and increased practicality.

  • Ergonomically designed for easy installation, the system provides optimal solution for ECD applications.
  • Equipped with diaphragm-type shut-off valves, designed for low internal volume and incorporated with on/off position indicator, it offers precise control over gas flow minimizing potential risks of leakage.
  • The presence of an in-taking filter at the process gas inlet valve ensures only pure gas enters the system.
  • Our high-accuracy regulator is compatible with oxygen and can extend a single tapping point into multiple ones depending on organizational requirements.
  • The system is flexible with either top-inlet or bottom-inlet configurations, offering solutions that cater to different space constraints and connection needs.
  • Constructed with high-quality, robust materials including chrome-plated brass body regulator and valve, Hastelloy C276 valve seat, FKM diaphragm, and a sintered SS 316L filter, this system promises durability and maximum performance.
  • The system operates effectively at an inlet pressure of up to 300 bar and an outlet pressure between 1.5 and 50 bar. It operates within a temperature range of -30u00b0C to 60u00b0C and promises an excellent leak rate, thus promising performance in tough conditions.
  • With safety pressure gauges adhering to ISO5171/Cl1.6/NG50 standards, the system promises monitored, safe, and reliable operation.
  • Weighing about 2.5 kg with an ergonomic design, the system promotes simple handling and minimal interference in your laboratory's workspace.
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