Premium Tubular Injection Glass Vial: Optimal and Secure Liquid Storage

REF #: 008875
Short description

Tubular Injection Glass Vial: High-Quality, Efficient Liquid Storage Solution

This Tubular Injection Glass Vial ensures excellent storage and transportation of various liquid substances, making it highly suitable for use in pharmaceutical, laboratory, and medical environments. Its premium quality and extensive size range make it a top pick.

  • Type: Tubular design for efficient liquid storage and transportation.
  • Size variety: Available in 2ml to 25ml options to cater to various applications.
  • Quality Assurance: Compliant with SFDA YBB00302002, ISO, and COA standards.
  • Material: Made with high-quality borosilicate glass for clear visibility and safe storage of drug formulations.
  • Production Capacity: 6,000,000 pieces per month, offering flexible payment terms.
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
Delivery options
  • 7 Days Return Back Policy
  • 2 Days Cancellation Policy
  • Ship Only

Exceptional Quality Tubular Injection Glass Vial: Efficient Solution for Liquid Storage

Understanding the uncompromised need for safe storage and transportation of liquids in various industries, we introduce the superior-quality Tubular Injection Glass Vial. This vial stands as an effective warehouse for your liquids, exactly meeting your industrial requirements with its ISO and COA certifications.

  • The product comes in a comprehensive size range, including 2ml, 3ml, 5ml, 7ml, 8ml, 10ml, 15ml, 20ml, 25ml, to offer varied solutions designed around specific liquid handling needs.
  • The vial has a seamless tubular design to ascertain that no leakage or wastage occurs, ensuring an efficient storage mechanism for any liquid.
  • It aligns with the standard: SFDA YBB00302002, guaranteeing its high reliability and safety to satisfy industry necessities.
  • This universally celebrated solution can meet the demands of numerous markets, right from North America to Australasia, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
  • With a remarkable monthly production capacity of 600,000 pieces, we guarantee timely supply and service, matching your needs and growing along with your business.

The Tubular Injection Glass Vial is a perfect and reliable solution for your liquid storage and transportation needs. Its robustness, safety features, cost-efficiency and high reliability make it an excellent choice for various industrial applications.

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