Ultrasonic Processors 500W and 750W US Plug - Efficient Sample Processing

REF #: 3113568
Short description

Ultrasonic Processors 500W and 750W US Plug

Excellent for processing samples from 250 u0152u00baL to several liters via flow-through.


  • Cell disruption: Powerful ultrasonic processors for efficient disruption of cells.
  • Accelerating catalytic reactions: Enhance reaction rates with high-intensity ultrasonic waves.
  • Emulsification: Achieve stable emulsions with uniform particle size.
  • Homogenization: Efficiently homogenize samples for consistent results.


Ultrasonic Processors 500W and 750W US Plug: AC/DC input 110 V AC ultrasonic processors, providing precise sonication and ultrasonic homogenization.

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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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  • Ship Only

Ultrasonic Processors 500W and 750W US Plug

The Ultrasonic Processors 500W and 750W US Plug are innovative laboratory instruments designed for efficient sample processing. These powerful ultrasonic processors utilize cutting-edge technology to achieve superior results in a wide range of applications, from cell disruption to emulsification and homogenization.


  • Cell disruption: The Ultrasonic Processors 500W and 750W US Plug are perfect for efficiently disrupting cells and releasing intracellular materials. Whether you are working with bacteria, yeast, or mammalian cells, these ultrasonic processors can effectively break down cell walls and membranes, allowing for easy extraction of proteins, DNA, and other cellular components.
  • Accelerating catalytic reactions: With their high-power output, these ultrasonic processors are capable of accelerating catalytic reactions. The ultrasonic waves generated by these instruments create cavitation bubbles in the reaction mixture, leading to increased mixing and mass transfer. This results in faster reaction rates and improved yield.
  • Emulsification: The Ultrasonic Processors 500W and 750W US Plug excel in emulsification processes. By applying ultrasonic energy to a liquid-liquid mixture, these instruments break down larger droplets into smaller, more stable emulsion droplets. This is crucial in various industries, such as food and beverage, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals, where the creation of homogeneous and stable emulsions is required.
  • Homogenization: Achieving a uniform and consistent sample is essential in many scientific and industrial processes. The Ultrasonic Processors 500W and 750W US Plug provide powerful homogenization capabilities, ensuring that even the toughest samples are thoroughly mixed and dispersed. From plant tissues to viscous solutions, these ultrasonic processors can handle a wide range of sample types with ease.


The Z509302 model of the Ultrasonic Processors 500W and 750W US Plug is specifically designed for efficient sample processing. This model features:

  • Powerful ultrasonic processing: With a power output of 500W or 750W, this ultrasonic processor can handle samples ranging from 250 µL to several liters via flow-through processing. This wide range of processing capacities makes it suitable for various laboratory and industrial applications.
  • AC/DC input: The Z509302 model has an AC/DC input of 110 V AC, ensuring compatibility with different power sources. This flexibility allows for easy integration into existing laboratory setups without the need for additional equipment.
  • Sonicator, ultra sonicator, ultrasonic homogenizer: These terms are often used interchangeably to describe the Z509302 model. Regardless of the specific terminology used, this ultrasonic processor delivers exceptional performance in sample processing.

The Ultrasonic Processors 500W and 750W US Plug, specifically the Z509302 model, are the ideal choice for laboratories and industries requiring efficient and reliable sample processing. With their high-power output, wide range of applications, and compatibility with various power sources, these ultrasonic processors offer unmatched performance and versatility. Whether you are working with cell disruption, catalytic reactions, emulsification, or homogenization, the Ultrasonic Processors 500W and 750W US Plug will exceed your expectations and streamline your processes.

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