XY200 Flame & Explosion Proof Large-Screen Display for Maximum Visibility & Safety

REF #: 005679
Short description

Experience superior visibility and safety with the XY200 Flame & Explosion Proof Large-Screen Display. Created for demanding environments, it utilizes high-tech LED technology with an explosion-proof design.

  • Features PC and PLC controller communication, allowing direct instrument connect.
  • Sends safety guidelines and alerts in English or numeric format swiftly.
  • Ideal for petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, and electric power sectors.
  • Flawless integration with surveillance and control systems.
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
Delivery options
  • 7 Days Return Back Policy
  • 2 Days Cancellation Policy
  • Ship Only

Experience Unparalleled Visibility & Safety with the XY200 Flame & Explosion Proof Large-Screen Display

The XY200 Flame & Explosion Proof Large-Screen Display is the perfect answer to your needs for enhanced visibility combined with rigorous safety protocols. Tailored for challenging environments commonly experienced in sectors like petroleum, chemical, light textile, pharmaceutical, metallurgy, and electric power, the XY200 Display prioritizes both safety and visibility without compromise.

With high-brightness, single-color LED display, the device guarantees outstanding visibility under all conditions. The state-of-the-art LED technology gives rise to a bright, highly visible display that remains clear even under direct sunlight or in low-light environments.

  • The product's seamless communication capabilities allows for direct connection to a PC or a PLC main controller. This compatibility extends to any intelligent controller armed with a standard communication port.
  • Field instruments with pulse output or analog quantity output can also be directly connected, signifying a heightened level of versatility.
  • Rooted in its design is a prevailing sense of safety. You remain up-to-date with safety instructions, operating notifications and operating surveillance with crisp clarity whether in English or numbers.
  • Its resounding effectiveness in security surveillance systems and machinery and equipment automated control systems due to its robust construction makes it a favored choice in these markets.

Take a step toward superior industrial operations and witness the compelling blend of safety, visibility, and advanced technology with the XY200 Flame & Explosion Proof Large-Screen Display.

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