Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate -

REF #: 3D-MS34743
Short description


Unlock the versatile potential of Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate, a captivating ribosomal metabolite produced by marine microorganisms. This remarkable compound, with a CAS number of 19030-30-9 and Ref # 3D-MS34743, boasts a molecular weight of 290.16 g/mol and a purity of at least 95%. Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate's unique structural properties, akin to those of ATP and ADP, make it a prime target for the development of innovative antibiotics. Explore the depths of its metabolic profile, which has been shown to adapt to environmental stressors, unlocking new avenues for research and discovery. Embrace the power of this exceptional glycoscience compound and elevate your scientific endeavors to new heights.

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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Unlock the captivating world of Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate, a remarkable ribosomal metabolite produced by marine microorganisms. This versatile compound, identified by the CAS number 19030-30-9 and the reference number 3D-MS34743, holds immense potential for scientific exploration and discovery.

Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate is a unique chemical entity that plays a crucial role in the metabolic pathways of marine life. Produced by specialized microorganisms, this compound is catabolized by sedoheptulose-7-phosphate kinase and subsequently integrated into the pentose phosphate pathway, a vital metabolic process that fuels cellular energy production and supports a wide range of biological functions.

The intriguing aspect of Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate lies in its responsiveness to environmental stressors. Studies have revealed that its metabolic profile undergoes dynamic changes in response to fluctuations in pH, oxygen levels, and temperature. This adaptive behavior suggests that Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate may serve as a valuable indicator of environmental conditions, opening up new avenues for marine research and environmental monitoring.

Remarkably, Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate has been found to exhibit structural similarities to ATP and ADP, two essential energy-carrying molecules in living organisms. This structural resemblance hints at the potential of Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate to play a pivotal role in cellular processes, making it a compelling target for the development of novel antibiotics and other therapeutic interventions.

Product Specifications

  • Molecular Weight: 290.16 g/mol
  • Chemical Formula: C7H15O10P
  • Purity: Minimum 95%

Product Features

  • Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate is a ribosomal metabolite produced by marine microorganisms.
  • It is catabolized by sedoheptulose-7-phosphate kinase and integrated into the pentose phosphate pathway.
  • The metabolic profile of Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate is known to change in response to environmental stressors, such as pH, oxygen levels, and temperature.
  • Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate exhibits structural similarities to ATP and ADP, suggesting its potential involvement in cellular processes and as a target for antibiotic development.

Further Insights

Delve deeper into the fascinating world of Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate by exploring the wealth of scientific literature and technical resources available. Discover the latest research findings, potential applications, and safety guidelines to unlock the full potential of this captivating ribosomal metabolite. Embark on a journey of scientific exploration and uncover the secrets that Sedoheptulose-1-phosphate holds, as you push the boundaries of knowledge and drive innovation in your field of study.

  • Formula: C7H15O10P
  • Molecular weight: 290.16 g/mol
  • Purity: Min. 95%
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