TR-H154696 - 1 Hydroxybenzotriazole Hobt Wetted With 20 Water (2592-95-2) -

REF #: Not Available
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TR-H154696 - 1 Hydroxybenzotriazole Hobt Wetted With 20 Water (2592-95-2)

Discover the versatility of TR-H154696, a premium-quality 1 Hydroxybenzotriazole Hobt Wetted With 20 Water compound. This exceptional chemical, with the CAS number 2592-95-2, offers a unique blend of properties that make it an invaluable tool for researchers and scientists. Boasting a molecular weight of [Molecular Weight], this compound is a clear, pale liquid that can be seamlessly integrated into a wide range of applications, from cancer treatment to various research endeavors. Handle with care, as it may cause skin and eye irritation, and ensure proper storage in a cool, well-ventilated area. Unlock the potential of this premium-quality compound and elevate your work to new heights.

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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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TR-H154696 - 1 Hydroxybenzotriazole Hobt Wetted With 20 Water (2592-95-2)

Unlock the versatile potential of TR-H154696 - 1 Hydroxybenzotriazole Hobt Wetted With 20 Water (2592-95-2), a specialized chemical compound that holds immense value for researchers and scientists across various fields. This meticulously crafted product, with its unique chemical composition and exceptional purity, serves as a crucial building block in the pursuit of groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.

At the heart of TR-H154696 lies a versatile molecule, 1 Hydroxybenzotriazole (HOBt), which has been carefully wetted with 20% water to enhance its stability and handling properties. This compound, identified by the CAS number 2592-95-2, is a valuable asset in the realm of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Related Compounds, particularly in the field of cancer treatment research.

Unlocking the Potential of HOBt

HOBt, the active component in TR-H154696, is a widely recognized reagent in organic synthesis, renowned for its ability to facilitate peptide coupling reactions. Its unique chemical structure and reactivity make it an indispensable tool for researchers in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries, as well as those working in the broader field of chemical synthesis.

By incorporating a 20% water content, TR-H154696 offers enhanced stability and improved handling characteristics, ensuring a reliable and consistent performance in your research endeavors. This carefully formulated compound is meticulously crafted to meet the highest standards of purity, allowing you to trust its quality and rely on its consistent performance.

Diverse Applications in Cancer Treatment Research

The versatility of TR-H154696 extends beyond its core chemical properties, as it finds its niche in the critical field of cancer treatment research. As an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Related Compound, this product serves as a valuable resource for scientists and researchers exploring innovative approaches to cancer therapy.

Whether you're investigating novel drug candidates, developing targeted delivery systems, or optimizing existing treatment protocols, TR-H154696 can be a pivotal component in your research arsenal. Its unique chemical structure and properties can unlock new avenues for exploration, leading to breakthroughs that can positively impact the lives of those affected by cancer.

Exceptional Quality and Reliability

Crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, TR-H154696 - 1 Hydroxybenzotriazole Hobt Wetted With 20 Water (2592-95-2) exemplifies the pinnacle of quality and reliability. Each batch undergoes rigorous testing and quality control measures to ensure its purity, consistency, and suitability for your research needs.

Whether you're working in a laboratory setting, conducting clinical trials, or exploring the frontiers of chemical synthesis, you can trust that TR-H154696 will deliver the performance and results you demand. Its exceptional quality and consistent performance make it an indispensable tool in your scientific journey.

Unlock the Possibilities

Embark on your next groundbreaking research project with the confidence and support of TR-H154696 - 1 Hydroxybenzotriazole Hobt Wetted With 20 Water (2592-95-2). This versatile compound, with its unique chemical properties and exceptional purity, is poised to unlock new possibilities in the realm of cancer treatment research and beyond.

Explore the vast potential of TR-H154696 and let it be the catalyst that propels your scientific endeavors to new heights. Unlock the doors to innovative discoveries, push the boundaries of what's possible, and make a lasting impact on the world of science and medicine.

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