4-Dimethylamino-1-naphthyl isothiocyanate - 1g

REF #: 54-OR322459
Apollo Scientific
Unit of measure
Short description

4-Dimethylamino-1-naphthyl isothiocyanate

Discover the captivating potential of 4-Dimethylamino-1-naphthyl isothiocyanate, a versatile organic building block with a CAS number of 29711-79-3. This high-quality compound boasts a molecular weight of 228.31g/mol, offering a unique blend of reactivity and selectivity for your advanced chemical applications. Meticulously crafted to ensure purity and reliability, this isothiocyanate derivative presents a valuable tool for researchers and chemists seeking to push the boundaries of innovation. Embrace the power of this exceptional product and unlock new possibilities in your laboratory endeavors.
Caution is advised, as this compound may cause skin and eye irritation. Always handle with care, store in a cool, well-ventilated area, and consult safety guidelines to ensure a safe and successful experience.

  • CAS: 29711-79-3
  • Ref #: 54-OR322459
  • Molecular Weight: 228.31g/mol
  • MDL: MFCD00003883
  • HS Code: 99999999
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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  • Ship Only

4-Dimethylamino-1-naphthyl isothiocyanate

Unlock the versatile potential of 4-Dimethylamino-1-naphthyl isothiocyanate, a highly specialized organic compound that holds immense value for researchers and scientists across diverse fields. With its unique chemical structure and exceptional purity, this Thiocyanates derivative offers a world of possibilities, from pharmaceutical breakthroughs to innovative material development.

At the heart of this compound lies a captivating blend of aromatic and aliphatic elements, represented by its CAS number 29711-79-3. The 4-dimethylamino-1-naphthyl moiety, coupled with the reactive isothiocyanate group, endows this molecule with a distinct chemical profile that can be leveraged in a wide range of applications. Its molecular weight of 228.31g/mol and MDL number MFCD00003883 provide a clear identification for researchers seeking to harness its potential.

Pharmaceutical Research: A Versatile Building Block

In the realm of pharmaceutical research, 4-Dimethylamino-1-naphthyl isothiocyanate shines as a versatile building block. Its unique structure allows for the synthesis of innovative drug candidates, targeting a diverse array of therapeutic areas. From neurological disorders to metabolic conditions, this compound's reactivity and selectivity make it a valuable asset in the development of novel, high-impact pharmaceuticals.

The compound's HS code 99999999 further underscores its broad applicability, as it can be seamlessly integrated into a wide range of chemical processes and formulations. Researchers can leverage its distinct properties to create tailored molecules with enhanced pharmacological profiles, ultimately leading to more effective and targeted therapies.

Agrochemical Innovation: Unlocking New Possibilities

Beyond the pharmaceutical realm, 4-Dimethylamino-1-naphthyl isothiocyanate also finds its place in the dynamic world of agrochemicals. Its chemical structure and reactivity can be harnessed to develop advanced crop protection agents, such as potent and selective pesticides. By incorporating this compound into innovative formulations, researchers can contribute to the creation of more sustainable and effective agricultural solutions, promoting healthier crops and higher yields.

The compound's versatility extends to its potential applications in material science as well. Researchers in this field can explore the integration of 4-Dimethylamino-1-naphthyl isothiocyanate into novel materials, unlocking new avenues for enhanced performance characteristics, improved stability, and tailored properties.

Handling and Storage: Ensuring Optimal Integrity

While the specific hazard information for 4-Dimethylamino-1-naphthyl isothiocyanate is yet to be confirmed (TBC), it is essential to handle this compound with the utmost care and diligence. Appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves, clothing, and eye protection, should be used when working with this material. Additionally, it is recommended to store the compound in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated environment to maintain its stability and purity over the long term.

For comprehensive information on the safety, handling, and storage guidelines for 4-Dimethylamino-1-naphthyl isothiocyanate, consult the relevant product documentation and safety data sheets. These resources will provide you with the necessary guidance to ensure the safe and effective use of this valuable compound in your research and development endeavors.

Unlock the Potential: Explore the Possibilities

Embrace the versatility of 4-Dimethylamino-1-naphthyl isothiocyanate and unlock new frontiers in your research. Whether you're working in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, or material science fields, this compound offers a wealth of opportunities to drive innovation and push the boundaries of scientific discovery.

Dive into the technical details, safety protocols, and potential applications of this remarkable Thiocyanates derivative. Leverage its unique properties to create groundbreaking solutions that address pressing challenges and improve the lives of people worldwide

  • Hazard info: TBC
  • Hs code: 99999999
  • Mdl: MFCD00003883
  • Molecular weight: 228.31g/mol
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