C.I.Reactive blue 225 - Undefined size

REF #: 3D-FR167551
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Short description

C.I.Reactive blue 225

Discover the captivating hues of C.I.Reactive blue 225, a high-purity (Min. 95%) dye with a molecular formula of C28H17ClF2Li2N8Na2O16S5 and a molecular weight of 1,015.12 g/mol. This versatile biochemical reagent offers a vibrant blue tone, making it a valuable asset for a wide range of applications, from textile coloration to specialized staining techniques. Unlock the potential of this exceptional dye and elevate your projects with its reliable performance and consistent quality. Inquire now to learn more about pricing, delivery, and detailed product information to ensure your success.

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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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C.I.Reactive blue 225

Unlock the captivating world of C.I.Reactive blue 225, a versatile and highly sought-after dye that has captured the attention of researchers, manufacturers, and artists alike. This remarkable compound, identified by the CAS number 108624-00-6, boasts a unique chemical composition and a rich history of applications, making it an invaluable asset in a wide range of industries.

At the heart of C.I.Reactive blue 225 lies a meticulously crafted molecular structure, featuring a harmonious blend of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, fluorine, lithium, sodium, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. This intricate arrangement, represented by the chemical formula C28H17ClF2Li2N8Na2O16S5, gives rise to a deep, vibrant blue hue that has become a hallmark of this remarkable dye.

With a purity of at least 95%, C.I.Reactive blue 225 is a true testament to the dedication and expertise of its producers. Its exceptional quality ensures consistent and reliable performance, making it a trusted choice for a multitude of applications. Whether you're a researcher exploring the boundaries of color chemistry, a manufacturer seeking to elevate your product line, or an artist seeking to unleash your creative vision, C.I.Reactive blue 225 is the perfect companion on your journey of discovery and innovation.

Diverse Applications

The versatility of C.I.Reactive blue 225 is truly remarkable, as it finds its way into a diverse array of industries and applications. From the vibrant world of textiles to the cutting-edge realm of biotechnology, this captivating dye has the power to transform and elevate any project it touches.

Textile Coloration: In the textile industry, C.I.Reactive blue 225 shines as a premier dye, imparting a rich, long-lasting hue to a wide range of fabrics. Its exceptional affinity for cellulosic fibers, such as cotton and linen, makes it a go-to choice for creating stunning and durable textile products.

Biotechnology and Diagnostics: Beyond the realm of textiles, C.I.Reactive blue 225 has found a home in the world of biotechnology and diagnostics. Its unique chemical properties allow it to be utilized as a highly effective staining agent, enabling researchers and scientists to visualize and analyze a variety of biological samples with unparalleled clarity and precision.

Artistic Expression: For the creative minds in the art world, C.I.Reactive blue 225 is a true treasure trove of inspiration. This captivating dye can be seamlessly integrated into a wide range of artistic mediums, from vibrant paintings and intricate textile designs to innovative mixed-media creations, allowing artists to push the boundaries of their craft and captivate audiences with its mesmerizing hues.

Technical Specifications

  • CAS Number: 108624-00-6
  • Molecular Formula: C28H17ClF2Li2N8Na2O16S5
  • Molecular Weight: 1,015.12 g/mol
  • Purity: Minimum 95%

Unlock the Potential

As you delve into the world of C.I.Reactive blue 225, you'll discover a wealth of opportunities waiting to be explored. Whether you're a researcher seeking to push the boundaries of color chemistry, a manufacturer aiming to elevate your product line, or an artist yearning to unleash your creative vision, this captivating dye is the key to unlocking a realm of endless possibilities.

Embrace the power of C.I.Reactive blue 225 and let it inspire your next groundbreaking discovery, innovative product, or breathtaking work of art. With its unparalleled quality, versatility, and captivating hue, this remarkable compound is poised to transform your ideas into

  • Formula: C28H17ClF2Li2N8Na2O16S5
  • Molecular weight: 1,015.12 g/mol
  • Purity: Min. 95%
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