Helicide - 100mg

REF #: BP-BP0715
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Helicide: A Versatile Phenol Compound

Discover the captivating potential of Helicide, a high-purity (95%~99%) phenol compound with a diverse range of applications. This intriguing chemical, identified by the CAS number 80154-34-3, boasts a molecular weight of 284.264g/mol and a unique molecular formula, C13H16O7. Derived from the seeds of Helicia erratica, Helicide offers a blend of versatility and reliability, making it a valuable asset in your research or synthesis endeavors. Meticulously analyzed using HPLC-DAD or HPLC-ELSD methods, this compound ensures precise results, whether you're working on pharmaceutical development, material science, or beyond. Unlock the possibilities of Helicide and elevate your projects to new heights.

  • CAS: 80154-34-3
  • Purity: 95%~99%
  • Density: 1.51 G/Cm3
  • Formula: C13H16O7
  • Flash Point: 215.7ºc
  • Boiling Point: 559.9ºc
  • Melting Point: 199-200ºc
  • Molecular Weight: 284.264
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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Helicide: Unlocking the Potential of a Versatile Phenolic Compound

Helicide, with the CAS number 80154-34-3, is a captivating phenolic compound that holds the key to unlocking a world of scientific possibilities. Derived from the seeds of the Helicia erratica plant, this meticulously crafted chemical offers a unique blend of properties that make it an invaluable asset for researchers and innovators across various disciplines.

At its core, Helicide boasts an impressive purity range of 95% to 99%, ensuring consistent and reliable results in your experiments and analyses. Its molecular formula, C13H16O7, and molecular weight of 284.264 g/mol, lend it a distinct chemical profile that can be leveraged to drive groundbreaking discoveries.

The compound's physical characteristics, including a density of 1.51 g/cm³, a flash point of 215.7°C, a boiling point of 559.9°C, and a melting point of 199-200°C, further underscore its versatility and suitability for a wide range of applications. Whether you're exploring the realms of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, or material science, Helicide's unique properties can be the key to unlocking new frontiers.

Pharmaceutical Prowess

In the dynamic world of pharmaceutical research, Helicide shines as a valuable building block for the synthesis of innovative drug candidates. Its intricate molecular structure allows for the development of targeted therapies that address a spectrum of health conditions, from neurological disorders to metabolic imbalances. Researchers can harness the power of Helicide to create novel compounds with enhanced pharmacological profiles, improved bioavailability, and increased therapeutic efficacy.

The compound's versatility extends beyond its pharmaceutical applications, as it also finds a prominent role in the agrochemical industry. Helicide's distinct chemical properties contribute to the formulation of advanced crop protection agents, helping to safeguard crops and boost agricultural yields while minimizing environmental impact. Its integration into pesticides and other agrochemical products can lead to more potent and selective solutions, revolutionizing the way we approach sustainable food production.

Unlocking Material Science Innovations

The realm of material science also benefits from the unique properties of Helicide. Researchers in this field can leverage the compound's chemical structure to engineer novel materials with enhanced performance characteristics. From improved mechanical strength and thermal stability to tailored optical properties, the integration of Helicide into various material compositions can open the door to groundbreaking advancements.

Whether you're exploring the synthesis of specialized polymers, the development of advanced coatings, or the creation of cutting-edge composites, Helicide's versatility can be the key to unlocking new possibilities. Its ability to impart desirable characteristics to materials makes it a valuable tool in the pursuit of innovative solutions across a wide range of industries.

Comprehensive Support and Resources

To ensure the seamless integration of Helicide into your research and development endeavors, we provide comprehensive support and a wealth of resources. Our team of experts is dedicated to guiding you through the technical details, safety protocols, and potential applications of this remarkable compound.

Explore our extensive library of scientific literature, technical data sheets, and application notes to deepen your understanding of Helicide's capabilities. Discover how this versatile phenolic compound can unlock new possibilities in your field of study, and unlock the full potential of your research projects.

  • CAS Number: 80154-34-3
  • Purity: 95% to 99%
  • Density: 1.51 g/cm³
  • Flash Point: 215.7°C
  • Boiling Point: 559.9°C
  • Melting Point: 199-200°C
  • Molecular Formula: C13H16O7
  • Molecular Weight
  • Boiling point: 559.9ºc
  • Class: .
  • Density: 1.51 G/Cm3
  • Flash point: 215.7ºc
  • Formula: C13H16O7
  • Melting point: 199-200ºc
  • Molecular weight: 284.264
  • Notes: Can be supplied from milligrams to grams.For Reference Standard and R&D, Not for Human Use Directly.Inquire for bulk scale.analysis-method: HPLC-DAD or/and HPLC-ELSDbotanical-source: Obt. from seeds of Helicia erraticaidentification-method: Mass, NMR
  • Purity: 95%~99%
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