Rhodamin 700 perchlorate (90%) - 25mg

REF #: TR-R318690
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Rhodamin 700 perchlorate (90%)

Unlock the captivating potential of Rhodamin 700 perchlorate, a near-infrared fluorescent laser dye that shines a light on your research. With a purity of 90%, this versatile compound boasts a molecular weight of 439.49 + (99.45) g/mol, offering exceptional performance in a wide range of applications. Explore its unique InChI and SMILES codes, as well as its distinct color and form, to uncover the depth of this remarkable chemical. Harness the power of Rhodamin 700 perchlorate to stain mitochondria and elevate your scientific endeavors to new heights, while always prioritizing safety and proper handling.
This product is intended for laboratory use only and is not meant for human consumption.

  • CAS: 63561-42-2
  • Ref #: TR-R318690
  • Applications: Rhodamin 700 perchlorate is a laser dye with near infrared fluorescence used to stain mitochondria.
  • Color and Form: Very Dark Purple Solid
  • Purity: 90%
  • Long-term Storage: -20°C
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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Rhodamin 700 perchlorate (90%)

Unlock the captivating world of Rhodamin 700 perchlorate, a versatile and highly sought-after laser dye with near-infrared fluorescence. This 90% pure compound, identified by the CAS number 63561-42-2, is a true gem in the realm of scientific research and innovation.

Rhodamin 700 perchlorate's unique chemical structure and exceptional properties make it an indispensable tool for researchers and scientists across various disciplines. Its near-infrared fluorescence capabilities allow it to be used as a highly effective stain for mitochondria, providing invaluable insights into cellular processes and functions.

The compound's purity of 90% ensures reliable and consistent results, making it a trusted choice for demanding applications. Its chemical formula, C26H26F3N2O•ClO, and molecular weight of 439.49 + (99.45) g/mol, combined with its distinct InChI code, InChIKey=QDJDXOLMFCSORQ-ZOUHOBQGSA-N, provide a unique identifier for researchers seeking precise information.

Rhodamin 700 perchlorate's versatility extends beyond its primary application in mitochondrial staining. Its potential applications span a wide range, including:

Pharmaceutical Research

As a highly specialized dye, Rhodamin 700 perchlorate finds its way into the world of pharmaceutical research, where it serves as a valuable tool in the development of innovative drug candidates. Its unique fluorescent properties enable researchers to track and visualize cellular processes, ultimately contributing to the advancement of therapeutic solutions.

Biomedical Imaging

In the field of biomedical imaging, Rhodamin 700 perchlorate shines as a crucial reagent. Its near-infrared fluorescence allows for enhanced tissue penetration and improved signal-to-noise ratios, making it an invaluable asset in the exploration of complex biological systems and the early detection of diseases.

Material Science Innovations

Beyond its biological applications, Rhodamin 700 perchlorate finds its way into the realm of material science. Researchers in this field leverage the compound's distinct properties to develop advanced materials with tailored characteristics, such as improved optical, electronic, or thermal performance, opening up new avenues for technological breakthroughs.

Product Specifications

  • CAS Number: 63561-42-2
  • Product Reference: TR-R318690
  • Purity: 90%
  • Chemical Formula: C26H26F3N2O•ClO
  • Molecular Weight: 439.49 + (99.45) g/mol
  • Color and Form: Very Dark Purple Solid
  • HS Code: 2934.99.9001
  • Long-Term Storage: -20°C

Unlock the potential of Rhodamin 700 perchlorate in your research endeavors. Explore its diverse applications, from pharmaceutical development to biomedical imaging and material science innovations. Embrace the power of this exceptional compound and unlock new frontiers of scientific discovery.

Please note that this product is intended for laboratory use only and is not meant for human consumption. Adhere to all safety guidelines and handling protocols to ensure the utmost protection for yourself and your research team.

  • Color form: Very Dark Purple Solid
  • Formula: C26H26F3N2O•ClO
  • Hs code: 2934.99.9001
  • Inchi: InChI=1S/C76H94N4/c1-69(2,3)49-33-45(34-50(41-49)70(4,5)6)65-57-25-27-59(77-57)66(46-35-51(71(7,8)9)42-52(36-46)72(10,11)12)61-29-31-63(79-61)68(48-39-55(75(19,20)21)44-56(40-48)76(22,23)24)64-32-30-62(80-64)67(60-28-26-58(65)78-60)47-37-53(73(13,14)15)43
  • Long term storage: -20
  • Molecular weight: 439.49 + (99.45)
  • Notes: This product is intended for laboratory use only, and it is not meant for human consumption.Analyte Name: Rhodamin 700 perchlorateCountry of Origin: CANADAProduct Format: Neat
  • Purity: 90%
  • Smiles: CC(C)(C)c1cc(-c2c3nc(c(-c4cc(C(C)(C)C)cc(C(C)(C)C)c4)c4ccc([nH]4)c(-c4cc(C(C)(C)C)cc(C(C)(C)C)c4)c4nc(c(-c5cc(C(C)(C)C)cc(C(C)(C)C)c5)c5ccc2[nH]5)C=C4)C=C3)cc(C(C)(C)C)c1
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