Sodium 4-Hydroxy-N-methylleucinate (4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-(methylamino)pentanoic acid, sodium salt) - 25mg

REF #: 45-1A04290
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Short description

Sodium 4-Hydroxy-N-methylleucinate

Unlock the versatile potential of Sodium 4-Hydroxy-N-methylleucinate, a premium-quality chemical compound with a CAS number of 1822575-19-8. This yellow solid boasts a molecular weight of 160.09737g/mol, offering a unique blend of chemical properties for your specialized applications. Crafted with exceptional purity, this compound's formula, C7H14NO3·Na, ensures reliable and consistent results in your laboratory experiments. Explore the depth of its capabilities, from pharmaceutical research to advanced synthesis, and elevate your work to new heights. Handle with care, as this material is intended for laboratory use only and should be stored in a tight container to maintain its integrity. Embrace the power of this exceptional chemical and unlock the possibilities in your next project.

  • CAS: 1822575-19-8
  • Ref #: 45-1A04290
  • Formula: C7H14NO3·Na
  • Molecular Weight: 160.09737g/mol
  • Color/Form: Yellow Solid
  • HS Code: 292250
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Sodium 4-Hydroxy-N-methylleucinate (4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-(methylamino)pentanoic acid, sodium salt)

Unlock the versatile potential of Sodium 4-Hydroxy-N-methylleucinate, a meticulously crafted chemical compound that holds the key to unlocking new frontiers in scientific research and development. This remarkable substance, identified by the CAS number 1822575-19-8, is a testament to the power of innovation and the pursuit of knowledge.

At the heart of this compound lies a unique molecular structure, a harmonious blend of sodium, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon atoms that give rise to its distinct properties. With a molecular formula of C7H14NO3·Na and a molecular weight of 160.09737 g/mol, Sodium 4-Hydroxy-N-methylleucinate is a yellow solid that captivates the senses and ignites the imagination of researchers across diverse fields.

Unlocking the Potential

This versatile compound finds its niche in the realm of Cyclosporine and Impurities, a crucial subcategory within the broader field of Inmunosuppresors. Its exceptional purity, as evidenced by its vibrant yellow hue, ensures reliable and consistent results in a wide range of applications.
Delve into the world of pharmaceutical research, where Sodium 4-Hydroxy-N-methylleucinate shines as a valuable tool in the synthesis of innovative drug candidates. Its unique chemical properties and structure allow for the development of targeted therapies, addressing a spectrum of health conditions and offering new hope to those in need.
Venture into the realm of material science, where this compound's exceptional characteristics unlock new possibilities in the creation of advanced materials. From enhanced mechanical strength to improved thermal stability, the integration of Sodium 4-Hydroxy-N-methylleucinate can lead to the development of cutting-edge products with unparalleled performance.

Product Features and Specifications

  • CAS Number: 1822575-19-8
  • Product Name: Sodium 4-Hydroxy-N-methylleucinate (4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-(methylamino)pentanoic acid, sodium salt)
  • Reference Number: 45-1A04290
  • Description: Sodium 4-Hydroxy-N-methylleucinate (25 mg) (4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-(methylamino)pentanoic acid, sodium salt)
  • Chemical Formula: C7H14NO3·Na
  • HS Code: 292250
  • Color and Form: Yellow Solid
  • Molecular Weight: 160.09737 g/mol

Responsible Storage and Handling

Sodium 4-Hydroxy-N-methylleucinate must be handled and stored with the utmost care to ensure its integrity and longevity. Store the compound in a tight container, maintaining the recommended long-term storage conditions to preserve its exceptional quality.
It is crucial to remember that this product is intended solely for laboratory use and is not meant for human consumption. Adhere to the label instructions and follow standard safety protocols when working with this compound to safeguard both yourself and the integrity of your research.

Explore the Possibilities

Unlock the boundless potential of Sodium 4-Hydroxy-N-methylleucinate by delving into the wealth of resources available. Discover the latest advancements, explore cutting-edge applications, and stay informed on the evolving landscape of pharmaceutical analytical impurities (PAI) through our comprehensive online platform.
Embark on your scientific journey with confidence, armed with the knowledge and tools to harness the power of this remarkable compound. Together, let us push the boundaries of what's possible and

  • Color form: Yellow Solid
  • Formula: C7H14NO3·Na
  • Hs code: 292250
  • Long term storage: Store in tight container. This material should be handled and stored per label instructions to ensure product integrity.
  • Molecular weight: 160.09737
  • Notes: This product is intended for laboratory use only, and it is not meant for human here to learn more about pharmaceutical analytical impurities (pai). Pai products are different from official usp reference standards. This material is an an
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